We at MHC Consulting Group love a good quiz. You know, the ones that reveal your dark secrets, hidden habits, and even the ones where some clown decided you’re Miranda. Obviously you’re a Charlotte!
Know Thyself
In order to be an effective employee, manager, or human being it’s important to understand yourself. One way to do this is to take personality quizzes like 16 Personalities or DISC. These quizzes categorize our main human tendencies and break them down into digestible data.
When you better understand yourself, you can recognize how you interact with other personalities in the workplace. Using the data about yourself mindfully, means setting yourself up for success by leaning into your tendency instead of battling against it. If we know what types of intrinsic or extrinsic patterns will help us, we can implement those in our lives and be focused, productive, happier individuals.
Tendencies in the Workplace
One of our favorite personality assessments is Gretchn Rubin’s Four Tendencies Quiz. It’s an easily understood measurement of one aspect of being a human. She shares an insightful and helpful tool for recognizing our tendencies and those of our colleagues. With this knowledge we are employed to have better understanding and communication.
According to Rubin’s rubric there are four main tendencies:
- Questioner: someone who needs to know why in order to have internal motivation.
- Obliger: someone who is motivated by external accountability.
- Upholder: someone who is motivated externally and internally.
- Rebel: someone who is only motivated when they decide it is something they want to do.
Most people are Questioners, with Obligers following right behind them. What this means from a mindful perspective is in how you effectively motivate your team. For most team members that means giving them the “Why.” Don’t make them ask, tell them upfront. You don’t need to go into detail, but you do need a short and concise reason why a project or task is important.
Another large portion of your team will Obligers who are motivated by outside accountability and positive reinforcement. Make sure managers are setting clear expectations, appropriate resources are provided, and deadlines are set. Follow up is key! If an Obliger knows you are checking in with them they will shine! Provide positive affirmation when they accomplish their responsibilities.
Lean In
Who you are, is who you are. Your personality and character is set by the time you are five. Take responsibility for your inherent traits, know them, understand them, work *with* them. When we fight who we are, we lose. Your team member is not going to magically turn into an Upholder. You need to address your employees as who they are, not as who you want them to be.
Knowing this, lean in. Embrace the quiz or assessment that makes sense to you. Study the information that has been amassed by the assessment maker. Use that knowledge to make smart decisions. Use the data that you have to mindfully respond to issues, challenges, and in the way you organize the work that your team is doing for you.
At MHC we use data to mindfully prepare the resources you need to flourish in your current career, to help you change trajectory if needed, and to help you assess your team. Contact us to find out how we can be of service to you!
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