Hot Tips on Creating an Employee Survey

Happy young businesswoman clutching a large binder to her chest as she leans against an office wall grinning at the cameraAn unresolved issue is a colony of termites eating away at the foundation of your company. You need an effective way to get a pulse on your employees and company culture. A quick way to gather employee experience data is by sending out a survey.

Here are my Hot tips on creating a survey that will give you real insight:

Hot Tip One: Make it Anonymous

If you want real information and insight your survey should be anonymous. If a survey is not anonymous, you run into a very human problem, employees will only tell you what they *think* you want to hear.

Instead of trying to figure out who said what, think of the information you are collecting as a starting point. In aggregate, the data will point to common areas of concern that need to be addressed. Use curiosity rather than fear to understand data.

But what about a concerning issue that arises anonymously and you want to respond while maintaining confidentiality?

That is when a program like Humaxa is a great investment. With Max as your go between, you can talk to your employee, asking more questions, and getting a better read on the situation without destroying trust.

Hot Tip Two: Keep It Short

A survey provides you with valuable information, but it is also time consuming. To keep engagement up, keep it simple and short. Hone in on what information you really need and ask those few questions. We recommend no more than 15 questions. More than 15 questions and you are on a fishing expedition. Remember, a survey is just a starting point.

Even with a short survey, it can be hard to get employees to give feedback. Your staff is busy with regular projects, to-do lists, and Zoom meetings. Using Max, which integrates with the massaging platform you are already using, can increase engagement in survey questions by 50 – 75%.

Hot Tip Three: Ask Open Ended Questions

A survey is a list of data you are trying to collect. You create the multiple choice questions based on reasonable assumptions and geared toward what you need. An open ended question is what your employees need on a survey.

However, an open ended question is not *just* for your employees. Answers from open ended questions will inevitably reveal common themes. Try to narrow down the themes into three or four areas of data. Often you will already know these pain points, but sometimes you find a pain point you didn’t know existed. This is invaluable information for addressing issues in your company culture or employee engagement.

Sometimes dealing with termites is as easy as having a regular spraying schedule. Sometimes you need help. We recommend Humaxa as a way to gain a continuous stream of data and an innovative solution solving program for your employees.

Sometimes you need an expert. MHC is that expert. We can set up surveys, integrate your communication program with Humaxa, and conduct focus groups to gain in depth understanding of your company culture. With our workshops we can provide real solutions and employee skill development. With our Recommendations Guide we provide ongoing effective solutions, personalized for your company.