Jami is an incredible leader and coach. She uses concrete steps to help you achieve your goals and her unique coaching process is so helpful! I admire Jami because she not only helps so many people pursue and achieve their career goals, but she does it in such a supportive and loving way. She is the queen of making connections and helping you feel seen and heard as you learn from her expertise. I like to tell everyone about Jami and her amazing services! She has such an insightful way of helping others thrive and I think we all deserve to thrive in life and work, together.

– Stacie A. 


Jami is the best! She was instrumental in helping me evaluate my systems and processes as my business pivoted due to COVID. Specifically, she helped me identify our immediate and long term needs and effectively and efficiently transition my team and office to completely virtual – not an easy feat. Jami listened to me and truly understands that every company is different and, therefore, needs a unique solution and systems tailored to their needs. I hope I get the opportunity to work with Jami again!

– Jill N.


I just wanted to share how much I appreciate you sharing your time, insights, gifts, and connections with other humans with me in 2020. I feel like I am getting some key pieces of my own life (as opposed to everyone’s around me) organized and prioritized for the first time in my life.

– Collyn W.


Jami, you’re like Alexa, but better.

Kate F.


Jami is an incredible coach. She has been tremendously helpful in guiding and empowering me as I explore the next steps to elevate my career. The resources, guidance, and feedback she has provided has been extremely motivating and encouraging. I am grateful for Jami’s wisdom and holistic approach.

– Allison T.


You have been so so so awesome! Ive just started working on [my resume] a couple days ago and am listening to all of your constructive critisism[sec]! You have really made it easy and you are greatly helpful.

– Jamie B.


It’s rare to find a leader who is equal parts empathy and strategy, but Jami Zehr is exactly that.
A fair and thoughtful supervisor, I was fortunate to work with Jami for more than two years. What stood out about her from the beginning was her willingness to support me in finding solutions based on what was best for me rather than what was easiest for her. Jami never attempted to diminish my feelings or emotions, but rather helped me sort them out and find answers to questions or problems that I had. She understands that humans are 3-dimensional and that shows in her coaching and mentoring approach. She sees the whole person, regardless of the circumstances. I credit Jami for helping me to become a more patient leader, for introducing me to personalized systems and practices that help me to be more productive, and in making an effort to dig deeper in every situation.

– Brandi R.